DIY All-Purpose Kitchen Scouring Scrub & Cleanser
This is a simple, effective, homemade DIY All-Purpose Kitchen Scouring Scrub & Cleanser recipe that will whiten and disinfect your kitchen, safely!
I love to clean and you're like WHAAAAT? It's true, I find the whole process quite zen. It's a time for me to put on my fav tunes and tune out the world. Have you heard of moving meditation (much easier than seated meditation)? This is it for me. I spend 2 hours, focusing on something that makes me really happy, my home.
I realize not everyone feels this way, but I am hoping my fun, effective, easy DIY recipes will help. It's pretty satisfying to make your own non-toxic cleaners and then put them to good use in your home!
This particular scrub does not have vinegar in it. Vinegar is an amazing cleaning agent, but it does not play well with other ingredients. There are a ton of recipes online touting the effects of baking soda and vinegar. Used one at a time, these are effective, but they actually cancel each other out due to their individual chemical makeup.
I want you to get the best bang for your buck with my recipes. This recipe is made from three supernatural ingredients, that work so well.
Cream of Tartar (sounds fishy I know) is a really good cleaning agent, who knew right? This white powder is a by-product of winemaking and it is not the same as the tartar sauce you use on your fish. Did you know that cream of tartar plus baking soda makes baking powder, tres cool!
Also known as potassium bitartrate, when mixed with hydrogen peroxide (to make a paste) is an effective scrub and cleaner.
Castile soap is by far one of my favorite cleaning agents because it's so versatile and can be used to make everything from shaving cream to dish-washing liquid and of course my scrub & cleaner.
I've used Dr. Bronner's fair trade, non-GMO, and vegan (love) Castile soaps forever. It's very gentle on the planet thanks to the fact that it's free of artificial foaming agents, harsh cleansers, and petrochemicals. It's biodegradable and this one is packed in a 100% post-consumer recycled bottle. Made with simple ingredients like water, coconut oil, and hemp oil, it's a must-have in any DIY divas home.
Castile soap can leave a bit of a residue, that's why I've combined this recipe with hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide is chemically represented as H2O2 and is one of the most common household disinfectants on the planet. The scientific definition states that "hydrogen peroxide kills microorganisms by oxidizing them, which can be best described as a controlled burning process.
When Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material it breaks down into oxygen and water, meaning it is non-toxic for general use." You probably have this in your home already, especially if you have kids, it's been used for ages to disinfect cuts and minor scrapes.
But you can use this to treat everything from an ear infection to foot fungus. Recent studies have shown vinegar and hydrogen peroxide (when used alone one after the other) are much effective than bleach and MUCH kinder to the environment too.
BONUS TIP: You can use hydrogen peroxide to clean mirrors or glass, no streaks and no-rinse required!
In this recipe, I am using it as a surface disinfectant. Great for sinks and countertops.
Makes enough for one good clean and is an amazing whitening and bleaching agent for your home. I think I said that already!
How to make the DIY All-Purpose Kitchen Scouring Scrub & Cleanser
- 1 tbsp Castile soap
- 2 tbsp Cream of tartar
- 1 Spray bottle filled with hydrogen peroxide
- Mix the Castile soap and the cream of tartar in a bowl until paste forms. You want this to have a thicker consistency
- Spray the area with hydrogen peroxide
- Scoop the paste out of the bowl with a sponge or microfibre cloth and clean/scrub the area you want
- I like to let it sit for 1 - 2 minutes
- Rinse the area with warm water
- You can make more by simply doubling or tripling the recipe
If you need a fast, effective recipe to clean your kitchen this is it. It's only three ingredients and does a bang-up job of making your kitchen sparkle, and who doesn't love that right?
Have you used hydrogen peroxide in your home before? I'd love to know more about your experience with it, share it in the comments below.